While we live in a wonderful country full of rich diversity creating a variety of beauty.
There is another side that can be used against targets.
Targets can be prevented from practicing their religious beliefs or connecting with their religious community.
Targets can also be forced into beliefs or practices that conflict with their own.
Religious beliefs can be misrepresented and used to support other abusive tactics to further gaslight a target.
Abusers can attempt to use the system to deport someone or use Canadian law to force child and family disputes for temporary residents.
An abuser can also use their ties to a different country to flee with a child so a parent cannot see their own child.
If you or someone you know has been a target of Cultural/Religious Abuse, our Domestic Abuse Recovery Program might be for you.
Alternatively, you can Contact Us, and an Intake Agent will call you regarding your request as soon as possible.
We’re here for you and we hear you.
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